Elder Hawkey's Mailing Address

Packages and Letters:

Elder Bryce Hawkey
La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Ultimos Dias
C.C 92
1702 Ciudadela
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Sunday, August 12, 2012

July 30, 2012

Hola Familia!
Bien Venidos de Argentina!!!!!
How is everyone?  Kyle your in Africa? ha ha thats so tight, I hope you guys are having fun up in Utah too. I bet you guys are having a blast. Sorry about those missionaries you had to see Momma, stupid missionaries lol How is Tucson? rainy i hear? I hope you guys are all doing well and enjoyong your summer wherever you mayu be.
Things here have been good, workin hard out here. We had a really successful week, we were able to get alot of new investigators to teach. We found 3 new familes that are seriously Amazing. They are stacked with people too. The one family has 7 kids all over 15 and the other has 5 girls ha  ha pretty crazy. The work is going good though. We have a baptism for one of our main familes wev been workin with in 2 wekends so thats gonnna be sweet. We set 3 more dates this week too for the 25th, that day were planning a pretty big service so we plan on setting a date with atlñeast one of these big families for that date as well! :)
Its alot of hard work out here, not gonna lie, like the main square is paved but other than that its just dirt roads or really terible paved ha ha. Were walkin everywhere so im quickly gettin into missionary shape. My padometer said we walked 8.65 miles the other day, idk how legit that it but it sounds about right. IM lovin it out here though, like its hard but its so fun at the same time.
So what they said about light skined people down here is true but seriouisly for some reason, idk what it is everyone just autamatically knows were American. Maybe the fact that me and my companion are both goofy tall, idk. Its awesome though cause seriously that right there gets people interested to talk to us. LIke because were so foreign and out of place ( 2 guys 6 5 and 6 2 repin suit and tie walkin around on dirt roads) People are curiose at why were here and what we have to say. It truely has been a blessing, we get into alot of houses just for that reason. So its been good.
The people down here are seriosuly amazing! like wew have the best ward ever. Everyone is so helpful and likeso close, seriously its a ward family. Trujui (our ward) is a ward and its pretty big, we have our own lil building thats actually really nice, espesially for this area. Thats another lessing, like having our building, just another thing that gets people curiose, like everyone knows about it they just dont know what it is, thats where we come in. The ward is awesome though, Bishop is seriously legit and everone just loves us, its pretty sweet ha ha. We dont eat at the house ever, we always eat at members house spo its been way nice... Side note: they dont eat dinner down here, like its not real haha people have a huge lunch and then like lil snakeçs before bed at like 11, pretty crazy, different....Were always gettin fed though, which is nice and people are always comin out with us to visit investigators and what not.
Temple!!! So the cerimonmy and rededication is on September 9th. The 3 missions in Buenos Aires aires are having a special devotional with the appostles comin for it a couple days before (Iring, Bednar, And Christopherson...Gonna be sick) but even sweeter is we all get to be part of like the big cerimony culture thing. Idk how it works but theres a ton of stuff tey do. LIke all the youth in our stake have been practicing for a big dance there gonna be doing for it. We get to be parrt of oit too though, idk exactly all well be doing but were way excited. Its gonna be dope!! The temple is way beautiful and seriously so nice, the remodel looks way legit. The open house starts this week for it too so if we have anvestigator come with we can go.. Cant wait. The temple is the big thing right now, ha ha thats all everyone ever talks about, im stoked though.
Things are going good, me and my companion are getting along well and no big fight or anything so its been nice. Hes a way hard worker so its been good to be able to establish good habits of working out here, espesiallly at the beginning.
LIke i said everything is way different out here , like eerything, ha ha im gettin used to it though. With time things ahve become easier and not so foreign, still got alot of learning and adjusting to do though lol
I want you guys to know im thinkin about you. Your all individually in my thoughts and prayers always. I miss you guys a ton but I knoiw this is where i need to be. I know all will work out according to our heavenly fathers will and that I will see you guys all soon. Summer 2014, Its gonna be sick! it gives a brotha hope out here when times are tough. I love you all so much ! Seriously you guys are the best ever. The best family, froends, and girlfriend in the world. I could ask for more and thats a fact. Than you for all your support out here, it really means alot.
MOm you said you sent mail but i havnt gotten it yet, might take a while. No worries though. I sent your letters out last week too, they didnt actually go out till thursday, thats when my District leader gave em to the offices :( there on their way though! I promise, I have more for this week too, and Hopefuly thell go out tomorow¨:)
I want you guys to know that I know this message is true. The message of the restoration literally chnages lives and is such a blessing for us today. The book of Mormonm is true, thats a fact and through Propets, revelation, and this amazing book , we have the fullness of thegospel on the earth today. What a bessing. Thats why im here though, to share this with others and help them to come unto Christ. There are so many good people in the world, prepared people that are only held from the truth because they know not where to find it. Thats where we come in !
you guys are in my thoughts and prayers though, know that I love you and that IM makin you all proiud out here. Just livin the dream. ITs an adventure pout here and im enjoyin every minute of it. Hope yoiu guys have good weeks. Be safe, say your prayers, think about your boy out here for a quick second ( not too long though), and have fun. Enjoy your Summer!
Elder HAwkey

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