Elder Hawkey's Mailing Address

Packages and Letters:

Elder Bryce Hawkey
La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Ultimos Dias
C.C 92
1702 Ciudadela
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 29, 2013

Hola Familia :) Que tal sus semanas?
Thins out here are going good , a little crazy but there goign good. ha ha This past weekend we were super excited and had a way nice baptismal servise in JUnin :) Super spiritual and a super great way to finish off my time out there. I will for sure send you guys out some pictures next week. We took some way good ones and i cant wait for you guys to get to see them.
So we get a call about the changes sunday and they tellme to pack the bage because im leaving ha ha I already knew so I had most ofmy stuff packed up. Its funny thoguh because were in one of the 2 zones super far away from the mssion and i have a ton of stuff.. So we leave Sunday night a 2: 20 to travel with all the stuff, seriously somuch. We get there thoguh and had one of the best and most spiritual meetings of my life. Elder GArido finshed hjis mission as well with alot of good friends of mine so they all shared their testimonies , it was way god thoguh...after all that they do the presentation of all the changes for the msison. The funny part is,im staying in the zone, ha ha IM only about an hour hour and a half from Junin. ha ha so we travelerd with the stuff all the way out there to return again with the same stuff, super funny experiense.... The changes werre good thoguh and my new companions name is Elder Boyce, Hes from Idaho and a super stud.Its his last transfer  in the msison so ill soon be kiiling him off. HE served in Junin a while back and wev known eachother alot throughout the msison so its great that now were companions, hes super energetic and super spritual so im excited.I lok forward to learing alot from him before he goes. The reaason i changed out ares is because Im the new zone leader out here in the area. Its another way to serve and grow soim super excited for it... From my Mtc distrcit Elder Kalmar got caaled Zone leader yesterday as well sow ere bother super excited for the newopportunity to serve and help things out in the best mission int he world. :) last 6 moths and were all going hard out here!
overall were doing good thoguh and sxtaying focused on seeing miracles. I feel good, a little nervouse but i know the Lordis going to helpme somuch to learn and grow. IM super excited thoguh and stayiong focused and happy as ever, like always just living the dreamout here. ..IMglad you guys kept up on your comitments last week. you guys aree the best. KNow more than anyhting that I know the church is true and i know this is the Work of the Lord... I love being  a misionary....Seriously know how greatful I am for you and your support.Love you guys and hope you have a great week.


Elder HAwkey

Monday, October 21, 2013

Bryce and The One Lost Sheep

Bryce Finding the one lost sheep!

October 21, 2013

Familia Como andan ? Que tal? :) hows workk/school? geting ready for thanksgiving ? :) thats one of the only things here thats toguh, the dont celebrate thanksgiving :/ its all good thoguh next yar well all be kickin it having a blast together :)
Things out here are going really good thoguh, were staying strong and excited and despite the oposition me and my compaion are working super hard. Were geting things all set up for this weekend for ther big baptismal servise.Alot of work still to be done but its going to be a big one well just say that. Well for sure send the pictures out your way and let you know how it all went. Were also getting evrything out here ready for transfers. Me voy..... ha ha Wev been training my compaion because hes going take over as district leader out here and im leaving to take on another asingment. THe transferes are usually the first week of the transfer but with some scheduling conflicts and the presidnts seminar we have anopther week, so the mwwitn will be next monday. Thus being said idk if ill have much time to write but ill for sure altleast let you guys all know how transfers and everything went and everything :)
Overall were doing good thoguh, jsut working hard staying focused and making the best of what will be the last 6 months of the msison. IM staying strong and i can asure you that im staying focused. These 6 months are going to be big :) I cant wait for you guys to be able to come down here with me to meet all these poeple and to get to know argentina, you guys are going to love it !
I did want to share with you guys my testimony aboiut the work iv been so priveleged to be part of out here. To be a missionary has been such a privleage and honor and has seriously been the experiense and blessing of a lifetime. Iv learned and gorwn so much and have seen and been part of things that i didnt even think could be real. I can asure you guys thoguh with all the certeza of my heart that I know that mirtalces are real and I know more than anyhting that this really is the work of the Lord and the work of salvation. I know that to be true and I know that our Lord and savior really does lead and guide HIS sacred work. Im absolutly sure of that and that there is nothing more important for my life at this moment and maybe not an any moment ( except to be sealed with m y wife and family and to be a dad) thsan this work. Its been such an honor to work out here and to wear the most powerful and important name of all time, that of our Savior Jesus Christ. A plaque that represents him and HIS church, somthing that truely cant be put into words. Somehting that only through the experiense one will know the feeling. :) I love being a misoinary and I will work all out until the last day of my life on his work. If being a disiple Of Christ was only a 2 year thign I would think twice about things but I know we all must have the change of heart to want to serve him for all of our lives on a daily basis. It doesnt have to be huge thigns here, only us to remember him and the fact that we are al his childrena nd we all need the truth. Im so greatful for this extra spesial experiense thogiuh and this amazing time iv hade to serve with all my heart might mind and stringth. I know this is his church and I know withotu a doubt that ever single of the Lords meetings houses really is His home in every way to the the meaning of a home. I know thw Bok of MOrmon is truew and I Kno that jesus The chrust realy did suffer for each and every one of our sins chalanges and problems. This sufering gives the hope that we dont have to , only if we humbly lloik for his help. I know thes things are ture and i share my humble tetimony in his name, Jesus the Christ, Amen
HAve a great week and know you guys ae in my thoguhts and prayers.... Thats an invitaion and comitment that i wanted to extend to each one of us this week. To share our testimony with one person. OUr personal testimony, small or big I know that we all ahve one and we all are called to share it. I know taht many times the Lord answerds prayers thoguh us, each one of us. SO I invite us all to share our tetsimony with someone, a friend, someone at work, someone at school, a random guy in the street. Que sea... So will we so it ? Let me know how the experiense went this week, the day you complete your comitment write your boy a little message and let me know how it went :))
HAve an aweosme week!


Elder Hawkey

Monday, October 14, 2013

October Pictures

At a baptism
Bryce doing laundry!

October 14, 2013

Family :) whats gonig on? How are you guys?  How was your week?

I hope this finds you all well, its been a crazy week out here and today was no different. Its a holiday out here so everyhting closes super early. We were in the internet café and  i sent the pictures and was about to write and the guy told us they had to close. ha ha hope you guys got the pictures thoguh and were able to see a Little bit of the dream life were living out here :) i only have a couple minutes now to be able to write so this may be a Little short as well.

We had a great week out here thoguh and things are going good. were working hard as always and have been seeing alot of progress in the branch, our investigators as well as our companionship. We have some good progressing investigators and are setting things up for the 26th to have a big baptismal servise for the Lujan family as well as agostine :) were excited, keep things in your prayers that all goes well and that we can help them all  make it to the date :).. Its been a full thoguh the work and this week is gong to be huge for us. Its the last week of the transfer but with conflits of the presidents seminar were going to extend this transfer an extra week. Thus being said i ahve two weeks left out here and were going hard :) President has talked to me several times about it and Its almost a sure thing that ill be going this transfer for a new asignment. IM excited as well as a Little nervouse but I know all things wil work out the way our father needs them to.

I have been thinking about you guys alot and I hope you guys know how greatful I am for your example to me and for all your support. I find myself constantly saying it but you guys are seriosuly the best family a guy could ask for. Thats one thing that i feel like iv changed the most, love, love and appresciation for others and for ht eopportunity I have to show this Love for them by teaching them the góspel. Out here in my msision I have met countless Brothers and sisters that ahve truely changed my life and people that I know without a doubt i knew before we came to this earth. Literally my brothers and sisiters. Its been such a blessing to be able to know some of these people and more tan anything i cant wait for4 you guys, to be able to meet them. Argentine trip 2014 is going to be the best ever, i can asure you of that :)

For now though like always, im staying focused and working hard until the last minute ... before i end i want to share with you an experiense from this week. Today in our family home morning as a distrct i chalanged each of us to sharew a spiritual experiense from the week, we have so many out here but heres mine... So were out working one day and were about to go back home for lunch. a few weeks eaerlier we talked to a guy that was super evangelic and didnt accept to much of our message, were about to go home but we feel impressed to go to this guys house. We get there and clap the dodor. no one answers, were about to leave but i couldnt leave i knew we hasd sopmething to do there. we open this guys gate and walk to his small wooden house and and knock on his door, again no response. now were just about to leave when i was like were going to open the door. >We open it to find him passed out and crying for help , it was a super hot day and hes really old, he obverheated in the house and was there where no one could hear him and no one would be able to  know, he has no family and lives in compo, like fields in a super humble house. It was super special for us thoguh becaus ehtis man was aso greatful that we cam to his house, literally we saved his life, We helped him up and clened him all off. we ran to the well and got wáter to pour on him and for him to drink :) It was so crazy because we so easily could have gone home to eat, relid on our selves to think this guy wanted nothign to do with us but we followed the spirit and puit in the extra effort. And for that we literaly were tolos in the hands of the lord to sabe this mans life :) Julio, A great man, hes in the hospital now, the ambulanse had to come and take him but hes doing good, keep him in your prayers thoguh... From this I learned and know that the Lord really does guide this work and that ao anmy iof us need his help in the world today. For that reason as his servants he sends us on his erand to get what he needs done, done :) its such a blessing and hoinor to be a misisonary :)

Loving life :)


Elder Hawkey 

Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7, 2013

FAMILY :))  How are you guys? how goes things in the states? starting to cool down up there?

Things out here are going good, we have been traveling alot this week and today were out here in Ramos Mejia. ha ha we dont have much time to write because were about to jump on the double decker colectivo for a fove hour road trip to Junin :) Lovin the misison!  Thus ebing said we dont have much time this week so im ogin to have to keep this short  . NExt week i promiose to send out pictures and a nice emqamil for you guys.

Oversall things are going amazing like always and we have just been working super hard to see miracles out here. Its heating up and wev bene using short sleave out here. The work goes well and we have some goood progrssing families who plan to enter in the waters of baptism the 19th. Keep them in your prayers, The lujan family as well as a kid named Agostine... Agostine is a 17 year old kid wev been working with and he has been progreesing so much its crazy, its been such a spesial experiense to work with him becaus e he just loves the misisonary work. We talk alot about it and hope to see him be able rto get baptised and prepare himself to serve a full time misison this time next year. He has a couple chalanges but he has the desire and the wil power. HEs such a legit kid though and I ask you guys to keep him in your prayers. Hes kida a minin me as well, ha ha way similar personality and just about amn inch or two shorter than I am. CAnt wait for you guys to get to meet him.

18 month aniversary passed this week and like i said its time to take it to the next level . 4th quarter game time :) this is about to be the best 6 months of my life :) KNow I love you guys and know your in my prayers. KNow that I know that church is true and that I know that real life miracles happen . I KNow taht the Lord can and will do all things for us , his children, but only acording to our faith. (desire, belife, and actions) I knwo though that with true faith no matter what it is , with his help it can be acomlished. .. confresne was amazing and i look forward to going with you guys when i get back :) your the best family ever. keep up the faith.

Aloha for now,

Elder Hawkey