Elder Hawkey's Mailing Address

Packages and Letters:

Elder Bryce Hawkey
La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Ultimos Dias
C.C 92
1702 Ciudadela
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Monday, March 31, 2014

Bryce and Elder Puschel

This is picture of Bryce and Elder Puschel.  Elder Puschel's father and I served together in the Chile Santiago South Mission in 1984.  Now our two youngest sons are serving together in the Buenos Aires West Mission, though not as companions.

March 31, 2014

Family :) how are you guys ? how was your weekend? church? :)
IThings out here are going good, we had a great weekend out here in Chvilcoy and we were super excited to finsih off MArch madness super strong as a zone. Me and my companion were bale to break our personal records for baptisms in a companionship so we werr way stoked on that. We were so blessed this month and were able to see some great converts taht will really help the branch out here. As well as that we have some god futtre converts as well that were able to get married this last weekend and able to take the next step in the progression to completing the comandements.. Great weekend thoguh! one to definetly remember, and one I cant wait to show you pictures of :) As a zone we were able to tie the reocrd again that we set in december with 25 confermation :) we were super blessd and happy about that and it was good to see our hard work really see its fruits :)
IM doing good thoguh, staying storng and staying focused, working hard till the very last minute out here :) I hvae a solid 5 weeks left out here and im enjoting every last minute of it out here :) I cant wait to se eyou guys and to more than anyhting tell you about all the storeis and all thats happened out here.... not yet thouhg :) .... I want you guys to know I love you and how greatful I am for each one of you and your support to me and the work of the Lord. I want you guys to knwo that I knwo the church is true and taht I know without a doubtt in my mind that this is the work of the Lord, the best decision anyoe could evr make and wothout a doubt ( so tipically said, but so true) The bets 2 yesrs of my life :) its only the first step though in sevbing the Lord and i cant wait to continue on to the end. I wnat you guys to know that im happy, turly happy and that Iv changed in almost evry way , i can honestlky say though that I know the Lord is happy with what I have done , what im doing and where im going in my life. I know he lives and I know that he knows each and every one of us individually and all that he wants is the best for us. He goves us opportuiniotes to obtain that desire he has ( the best life possible) every day we have the opportunity to be ahppy and cmplet the things we all know that bring tre happiness, its in us though to choose those things and ALLOW him to give us these blessings. I Love being a misosnary and am so greatful for the opportuntiy and privelage i ahve sto serve the Lord in his great work :)
I hope you guys have a great week family
With Love and baptisms form the best misosn in the world!

Elder HAwkey

Monday, March 24, 2014

Recent Pictures

March 24, 2014

Hey family :)
IM sorry im writing wso late, we were in the cyber today and the power went out in the whole city. Im just finishing things up and i have like no time but wanted to write and say that all goes well in Chivilcoy.... had another big weekend of baptisms for the area and for the zone... all going into the last week of march madness, things are looking good though, we have a weding, a ton of work and some good baptism lined up for the area and zone ;) cant wait to tell you about this month and to show the pictures.... you should hear about the updates on the blog... KNow i love you guys and know your in my thoguhts and prayers :) have a great week, keep the msison and zone in your prayers, were all going for huge records out here. as a mission we hope to break 200 for the month, somthing never done for this part of the world :) Were woring like never beforwe thoguh and were doin it :) its a big week ! Hope you guys have a good one as well !

Elder Hawkey

Monday, March 17, 2014

March 17, 2014

Hola familia! Que tal? Como andan?
Things out here are going great, betetr than ever, literally. We had a huge week last week as a companionship and as a zone. We worked super hard and we were super blessed with a baptismal servise and on top of that the Lord blessed us and helped us set a new record, bringing 15 investigators to sacrement meeting. It was a great Sunday and we packed em in there, ha ha its funny because our building is super small, literally about half the soze of the welton branch and we had like 120 ppeople in a little salon in Sacrement meeitng.. The best feeling ever! to be sitting there woth a huge group of ourt investigators and then looking up to see recent converts on all sides and helping in the servise.... words cannot be siad to how i flet yesterday anbd how I continue to feel about the Sacred work here in Chivilcoy. I cant wait for you guys to meet ll these peoeple and and see the branch out here, its absoluly insane.
Were moee focused than ever and thats the truth... Its MArch madness out here in the best mission in the world and we have 2 weekdns left. We expext to see about 30 more baptisms in the zone and about 10 more in our companionship. There is no beter time in the misosn than now and we are all feeling it.... We had a zone confrense this last Friday with us and Chivilcoy South, President and the assistants came out and we really feel this vibe throuhgout the whole mission... Its hard to explain but our misoin publishes the results form each week to every misosinary each week. We are literally seeing our hard work pay off and history in the making out here in Buenos Aires. President keeps us animated and were all lokking forward to a huge last 2 weeks of MArch Madness!!! VAmos Todavia!!!
All this beeing said, behind all the numbers are the poeple, and thats what were about in this misison and thats what Elder HAwkey, Elder Valdes , and Chivilcoy Norte is about! Helping them, our brothers and sister come to the knowledge of the truth and come to sing the sweet song of Joy that can only come thoguh the atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ. Thats what I live for, to be part of this great and sacred work and to literaly invite ALL others to come unto Christ. I love being a misisonary and I am enjoying every minute of it out here!
KNow your in my thoguhts and prayers, keep eberyone in your as well. Theres alot of work to still be done but I can asure you that well get it done out here, as to our own strength were weak, but we know that in Chivilcoy and Buenos Aires, all things are possible with The help of the Lord.
I invite you all to think about these things and take the next step in your lives to come unto Christ and to help in his great work. There are opportunities every day to do something to help in the misosnary work. Pray for the spiritual eyues to recognoze it and I promise you will see a literal change for the best in the lives of others and yourselves. RLook for the opportunities and then dont hold back, Just do it !
CAnt wait to share msison stories and picturees with you guys ;)..... not yet thoguh :)


Elder Hawkey

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014

FAmily :) things out here are going good, we had a great week and things are absoltly insane out here... Wev ben working super hard and as a zone have bene seeing literal miracles out here. This month we plan to break the record for the most baptisms ever in a zone and we hvae all been doing our part to more than naything help the people really find the truth and this hapiness.. IM doing great, working hard as ever and doing everthing i can to finsh things off strong out here, im staying focused and IM absolutly living up every minute of it ourt here.
We have ben baptising alot and i cant wait to show you uys all the pictures.... We have baptism lined up for evry wekend this month as well and we have been so blessed to help our heavely fathers children in this great work. The 27 of March as well we will be ahving 2 more weding services and are happt to see them prepare for this big step in their lives, the service will be followed byt heir baptisms and these poele seriously meen so much to us out here. Youll hear all about them though and youll for sure ghet to know them too :)
KNow I love you guys and know your in my toughts and prayers. I know this church is true and i absolutly love being a missoniary !
Sorry I dont have much time but we have alot to do. KNow all is well thoguh and know how happy i am for all you guys, keep the misosnary work up and keep things going out there!
UN abrazo!

Elder HAwkey

Monday, March 3, 2014

Additional Story from Chivilcoy

so funny story this week, its goty alot of details but i dont have much time so ill make it sort ... So we go to this familes house sunday morning and eevbrythings good, their ready for church and super excited, we call a taxi and we help the mom get her kids in and everything and then we go off to lok for another family in the bikes, planning to meeet up with this family at church. We get there and their no where to be found, we call the taxi place and they said the dropped them off at teh church and that it anst their problem. Its an amazing fmaily and i knew it had to be some sort of mistake and to be hoinest i was super worried about them because it was their first sunday at church as well.... a thoguht came to mind and then i realized it.... maybe the taxi driver droped them off at the evangelist chyurch half a block up form our church by accident.... so we walk over there and a gorl comes out kinda confused, we ask her to check if there is a bolvian lady in there with 3 little girls.... we wait a while and she comes out teling us their inside ha ha we dont know what top do, so we tyr to walk in and a women pastor tells us and gets mad at us.... the pastor is in their on stage saying like whatever and yelling at the congregation so this lay takes us back outside so we can talk... she tries to pull it on us and make us feel bad " my husband is in there giving a semen about jesus christ and how he is here to help us in our daily strugles, hte sister is very intrested in listening, if you want ill call her but we realy dont want to bother her"... she was geting a little fisty with us... we wweree strong thoguh and we told her to call the family.... we wait another little while and out comes the family, super confused but super happy to see us. She was teling us how it scraared her daughters an how she hgad no idea what was going on.... we walked together to the real true church and started off sacreement meeting with an amazing sprit...... she loved it. flet and recognized the spirit and wants to get baptised!!! :))) ha ha super funny, ironic story but wanted to share with you guys :)

March 3, 2014

 Hola Familia Hawkey! How are you guys?
Things out here are going good, working harder than ever and we have been super blessed to be helpoing many come to the knowledge of the truth :) Its a new transfer and as you know me and Elder Valdes are staying together for our 3rd straight transfer. IM excited and i cant wait for this big month os march us and the zone are going to have! Were excited to keep working together, we have grown super close over the pastr 3 months and i can honestly say Elder Valdes is a brother to me.  We woirk good as a team and both understand what we neede to do and how to do it so its been nice to really see the support throught our time together. Its very rare to see a companionship in our mission to be together more than 2 transfers as well so we were really excited to see that happene for us to stay otgetehr working till the bittere end out here in Chivilcoy... Were excited and animo a full! :) .... One day you guys will get to know this guy and youll see exactly what im talking about, hes the best and i cant wait to present him to you guys one day :)
We have been working with some good familes and have bene seeing alot of growth out here in Chivilcoy. We hvae been working in a small Bolivian neighborhood and hope to baptise 3 fmailes we have beenw working with over there. 2 familes arnt married yet but things are gettig planned up to have anopther 2-3 weddings out here the last weekeend in MArch and to help these familes complete these comandments and have the opportunity to get baptized :) like i said, were excited :)
We have been working good with another few investigators and this kid Gabby we have bene working with is going to be baptised this wekend. ALso Tamamra, a single mom of the 5 cutest kids ever that has been progressiugna ton and will be abptised the 16 with her sister and hopefully their mom as well :) alot to do in as little time but were doing all wqe can to stay organized, focused and ready to see these mieracles come to pass this month... Well be taking alot of pictures and i cant wait ot show you them all when i get home ;)
I personally am diong good thoguh, loving the misison and enjoying every minute of it.... Like i said ill be sending out a letter to you guys , but i realy want you guys to know how much I personaly have changed and simpley opened my eyes to the real purpose of this life. The misison has chnaged me and helped me learn so incredibly much and for that i will be eternally thnakful. The mission is the best decision i hvae ever made and i really hope you guys can fel that because it really comes form my heart and soul. I know the church is true, i know the Lord knows a¡each and every one of us individually and i know that all he wants is ofr us to be happy. I know this is the work of the Lord and I know there is nothing more important than this, sharing these blessig with others :) I love being a missionary and i know that this few short years is only the start of serving my heavenly father in his church. I know he lives and i know miracles are real :)
Love you guys and hope you have an awesome week :) know your in my prayers.

With Animo, hard work, a few more weding in the books, baptism and of corse all the Love I have form the best misison in the world!

Elder HAwkey