Elder Hawkey's Mailing Address

Packages and Letters:

Elder Bryce Hawkey
La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Ultimos Dias
C.C 92
1702 Ciudadela
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13, 2014

Hawkey family and friends:
You are here by corduaslly invited to the wedding and baptismal sevices of two of our incredible familis of invesigators we have been working with. Both are living together but as the continue to learn and aply the teachings of our SAvior booth have made the decision to get married and bapotised. The services wedding wil be help in the registro civil here in chvilcoy Feburary 21 2014 folowed by the reseption andbaptismal service :) your all invited if you ahve some time to swing by, its oging to huge :) as well the kids of both familes will be setting the example for their aprents and enetering the waters of baotism the 26th of january. There the four oldest kids and then with the parents and some preperation will be bapotised 2 other of the children with some spesial needss. :) ................ man I love being a missionary
Were absolutly loving it out here and working harder than ever, focused and absolutly a full. Me and Elder VAldes have been working super well together and seriosuly we have been seeiong so many blessings and miracles out here in chivilcoy. As we continue to work i find my testimony of the Lord and his power and willingness to do miralcfes for us grow each and every day, As revelealed in D &C 82 10 when the Lord said, Yo el senor estoy OBLIGADO cuando haceis lo que os digo, mas cuando no haceis lo que os digo, ninguna promese teneis.... If you can understand that ( Bien Aye ;) ) if not lok it up.... Its talking about thoguh how the lord is literally obligated to give us blessigs when we complete with him. And its so true, iv seen it so amny time sout here in myself and with our investigators. He will do real life miracles, BUT we ahve to be williing to do what it takes. Ans that is the great trial of life, to really see if we are willing to do jsut that, humbly obey. I can tell you form personal experiense that its worth it :)
I Love being a misisonary and there is no greater time then now out here in the best msison in the world ;) Miaralcesa are real and they are happening daily, this is the work of the Lord, we really are his representatives, familes can be together forever and more than anything I know that This is the one and only true church on the earth and the only way to obtain the oeace and happiness that we all need and look for.
Ill finish with a short story, just yesterday we finsh p church and start to help our inverstigatos get home. As were finishing things up and waiting to talk with our branch President, I feel impressed to talk to a sister and ask her if she needs anyhting and posibly if we could come over top her ouse for lunch ( you know how we misisonaries are) She accepts and about half hour later we meet at here house, an aamaizing lunch and as we get to taslkig we realized thast everything happens for a reason. We got to talking about how she really needed help right now and that she missed so bad her son that was serving a mission and that more than anything she jsut prayed that she could find a way to help her son. We talked about how as she has given to one of us, she has supported all of us and more importantly served the Lord in his great work. It was a very spiritual experioense athat really helped me to see how the Lord really does answer prayers , allways..... look for his help , pray and ask for his guidanse and support and he will always give it, support the missionary efforts in your areas and i can humbly tell you it means the world to a sevrant of the  Lord with so much to handle. I Love you guys and hope you can feel it as you read this email
vamos todavia Chivilcoy norte !!!

Elder Hawkey

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