Elder Hawkey's Mailing Address

Packages and Letters:

Elder Bryce Hawkey
La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Ultimos Dias
C.C 92
1702 Ciudadela
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2, 2013

Hola Familia :) que tal? Todo bien?
How was thansgiving ? black friday? seeing the family ? :) you guys all sound like your doing really well and that you guys ahd a good time, that makes me really happy. It would have been nice to be there with you guys but theres plpenty of years in the future for that. I only get 2 out here and for that i ahve to take advantage of it. We had a good one thoguh too, we had a big asado with a bunch of members and investigators. It was a way good day, we all went around after and said what we were thankful for and everything. A realy good experiense :)
this past friday I got to go to zone leader council in Ramos Mejia, it was incredible. Super spiritual and I seriously learned so much, i got to see elder BAjan in therer too ( my first son or missionary i trained. Idk if i told you but he works in the offices and hes super capo :) It was good seeing him in there... Other than that just been working hard as always and wraping things up out here with elder Boyce. he finishes his misison wendsday will be headed back out there in about a week, hes been such a goosd companion and seriously a brother, we have seen so may miracles together and had a ahoprt but incredible time together. You guys are giong to have to talk to him when he gets back to the states and one day well for sure all meet up... We still have a few days left thgouh and until then were giving it our all. Tomorow we have zoner meeting where were all meeting up as a zone. we do it once a month but out here ni campo its even bigger of a thing because the zone is so big and how in no other time we seee achother :) its going to be great thgouh :)
So thats whats going on right now, I will for sure be staying out here atleasdt one more transfer and form there well see how thigns go, see where the Lord needs me :) im livng it thgouh and am so grteatful for this opportunity to learn servew and grow, its so true that this is really the best 2 yesrs :) Cant wait to tell you guys all the stories and show you guys all the stuff form out here. We have been seeing alot of fruits from our work and have been priveaged to meet some amazing people oput here. I sent some pictres but these 2 jovenes are absoluly incredible and are progressing so much. They are paraguayo and are seerriously the collest/funniest kids ever. The both want to serve a misison as well :) Ill for sure let you guys know how there doing :) such a blessing to have foi¡und them, and it was thgroguht the smallest of tings as well. Rememebr that thrtough small and simple things great things are brought to pass, remember that :)
KNow that I love you guys and know your in my prayers. KNow that I know this is the work of the Lord, I abslutly know that to be true :) I know the church is tue nd I know more than anyhting that the Lord really does work through his swervants to bring about real life miracles. I know miracles aere real and i know that everyone can change, all we have to do is humble ourselves to the will of our Father and sacvior Jesus Christ. I know the astonment is real andf i know that it doesnt matter how bad or hard the situation may be, we can all recieve help through the atonement.
Have a great week :)


Elder HAwkey

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