Elder Hawkey's Mailing Address

Packages and Letters:

Elder Bryce Hawkey
La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Ultimos Dias
C.C 92
1702 Ciudadela
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21, 2013

Familia Como andan ? Que tal? :) hows workk/school? geting ready for thanksgiving ? :) thats one of the only things here thats toguh, the dont celebrate thanksgiving :/ its all good thoguh next yar well all be kickin it having a blast together :)
Things out here are going really good thoguh, were staying strong and excited and despite the oposition me and my compaion are working super hard. Were geting things all set up for this weekend for ther big baptismal servise.Alot of work still to be done but its going to be a big one well just say that. Well for sure send the pictures out your way and let you know how it all went. Were also getting evrything out here ready for transfers. Me voy..... ha ha Wev been training my compaion because hes going take over as district leader out here and im leaving to take on another asingment. THe transferes are usually the first week of the transfer but with some scheduling conflicts and the presidnts seminar we have anopther week, so the mwwitn will be next monday. Thus being said idk if ill have much time to write but ill for sure altleast let you guys all know how transfers and everything went and everything :)
Overall were doing good thoguh, jsut working hard staying focused and making the best of what will be the last 6 months of the msison. IM staying strong and i can asure you that im staying focused. These 6 months are going to be big :) I cant wait for you guys to be able to come down here with me to meet all these poeple and to get to know argentina, you guys are going to love it !
I did want to share with you guys my testimony aboiut the work iv been so priveleged to be part of out here. To be a missionary has been such a privleage and honor and has seriously been the experiense and blessing of a lifetime. Iv learned and gorwn so much and have seen and been part of things that i didnt even think could be real. I can asure you guys thoguh with all the certeza of my heart that I know that mirtalces are real and I know more than anyhting that this really is the work of the Lord and the work of salvation. I know that to be true and I know that our Lord and savior really does lead and guide HIS sacred work. Im absolutly sure of that and that there is nothing more important for my life at this moment and maybe not an any moment ( except to be sealed with m y wife and family and to be a dad) thsan this work. Its been such an honor to work out here and to wear the most powerful and important name of all time, that of our Savior Jesus Christ. A plaque that represents him and HIS church, somthing that truely cant be put into words. Somehting that only through the experiense one will know the feeling. :) I love being a misoinary and I will work all out until the last day of my life on his work. If being a disiple Of Christ was only a 2 year thign I would think twice about things but I know we all must have the change of heart to want to serve him for all of our lives on a daily basis. It doesnt have to be huge thigns here, only us to remember him and the fact that we are al his childrena nd we all need the truth. Im so greatful for this extra spesial experiense thogiuh and this amazing time iv hade to serve with all my heart might mind and stringth. I know this is his church and I know withotu a doubt that ever single of the Lords meetings houses really is His home in every way to the the meaning of a home. I know thw Bok of MOrmon is truew and I Kno that jesus The chrust realy did suffer for each and every one of our sins chalanges and problems. This sufering gives the hope that we dont have to , only if we humbly lloik for his help. I know thes things are ture and i share my humble tetimony in his name, Jesus the Christ, Amen
HAve a great week and know you guys ae in my thoguhts and prayers.... Thats an invitaion and comitment that i wanted to extend to each one of us this week. To share our testimony with one person. OUr personal testimony, small or big I know that we all ahve one and we all are called to share it. I know taht many times the Lord answerds prayers thoguh us, each one of us. SO I invite us all to share our tetsimony with someone, a friend, someone at work, someone at school, a random guy in the street. Que sea... So will we so it ? Let me know how the experiense went this week, the day you complete your comitment write your boy a little message and let me know how it went :))
HAve an aweosme week!


Elder Hawkey

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