Hola Familia , Como les va? how was your guys week out
there? i hope it was a good one.
This week was seriously crazy, probably one of the longest
weeks of my life. I find myslef saying that every couple months but seriously
this week was insane. :) had its ups and downs for sure but through adversity comes
growth and strength and for that I am truely greatful. I feel like I have seen
that first hand this week, how much the hardest things can be such a blessing
with the right atidude and like aunt caroline says with "spiritual
eyes" . Para nada am I going to goo in depth on everything we went through
but it makes me happy top be able to say that this truly is the Lords work and
if we work hard, giving it every last drop of energy and forse we have the Lord
will do the rest and you will see not only blessing but true miracles.
Lil bit of the rough part so I can finsh off with the good
stuff :) I was sick this week, pero mal, I got like argentine flu and was
wrecked this week. I finally broke down though and went to the doctor and got
some medicine. My helath is on the rise thoguh and in a few day ill be back to
normal and as good as new. I continue to work hard though and to never take a
sick day, 2 yeard is a short time, we dont have to stay in the apartment, we
gotta work :)
So this weekend, We were blessed to see enter the waters of
baptism probably the most amazing lady I have ever met ( besides you MOm) and
baptise what is probably my best convert on the mission. :) this past saturday
Silvia and her daughter Lucia were baptised and I had the sacred privalge to do
the ordananse :) Literally the most spiritual moment of my life, this hour and
a half baptismal servise. She is a refernse form a member and so the member and
her fmaily gave way good talks about the importanse of the missionary work. Its
hard to explain, but silvia is super social and suported by the ward in a way
where she is seriously like a has been member of yearss. These talks were
flowed by an amazing welcomiong form the young wonens and bishop where many
tarss were shed about her and her daughter and how much the ward had been
praying for 2 such amazinfg people to take such an important step. A truely
unforgetable experiense :) i cant wait for you guys to meet her, seriously she
is the best :) She is super excited about the msiosnary work as well and
is going to be a huge help and strngth to the work and to our ward :)
We dont have liek any time today , we had to go to capital
for our visas but i really wanted to share those things with you guys. Keep
fighting, no matter how hard it may be or what may come your way, if we do our
part the Lord will ALWAYS do his and come through for us. I know that to
be true. I know without a doubt that this is the Lords work, this has been such
an amazing experiense and a time that I wouldnt and could never trade for
anyhting in the world. I know this church is true, and I know that this is
where I need to be in my life. Wihtout a doubt I know that Crist lives and that
we are truely are his servants and that the Lord really does work thoguh us his
servants ( see words of MOrmon 1:7) Im living the dream out here thoguh and
loving every minute :) Know you guys are in my thoughts and prayers, always, I
pray for you guys by name every day, many times and more than anyhting that you
guys are happy, truly happy .
have an awesome week guys, know I love you
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