Elder Hawkey's Mailing Address

Packages and Letters:

Elder Bryce Hawkey
La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Ultimos Dias
C.C 92
1702 Ciudadela
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Sunday, October 7, 2012

August 20, 2012

Hola Familia! Como Andan?
How are things out in the states? enjoying summer? Hawaii? Work? Whats up with one of my buddies gettin baptised? i was confused at that. Iv been thinkin about you guys alot though this week, more than normal, about everything. I Love you guys like crazy and am so greatful for you all, each one of you individually, i hope you guys know that. How much you guys really mean to me and how much support you really are to me.

Awww this week, where to begin. ha ha This week was a struggle for me, not gonaa lie, like a pretty rough week. To start off im sayin this just to keep you guys informed and honestly to give you guys some laughs, dont worry though, about anything, (espesially you momma), IM doin just fine and it looks like ill live lol.
So this friday I got sick, really sick, we were sittin there eatin lunch with a member and it just hit me.. I stood up and didnt know where to go , i see the bathrrom, run to it and just loose it ha ha just threw up everywhere. I felt so bad but like there nothing i could do about it. So we gett everything cleaned up and the member , seriously the nicest lady ever says it will help for me to et more so she preeety much peer pressudçres me to eat a huge plate of pasta right after. IM feelin alright and thought it was just the one time, nope. After lunch were tracting, and of corse its pouring rain, were clappin houses and it just hits me again, Long story short, that friday was the longest day of my life ha ha we had to get lessons cause the next day wed be going to the temple so we codnt go back to the appartment. It was a knarly day full of alot of throwing up and something the say all missionaries experience atleast once on their mission.... ill let you guys think about that one andf take it as you think, it was aweful though and hopefully something i dont have to experience again..... Idk what happened but it got too me, i had a fever and what not but these past 2 nights iv gotten really good sleeps so im doin beeter, we got some medicine and it looks like everythiung is gonna be alright, argentina will do that too you thoguh, wreck you ha ha

For every hard part thoiugh there is an oppopsite, like an absolutely amazing part. That makes everything all worth it, all the hard tmes...s this saturday we got to go to the open house for the temple. It was incredible, seriously one of the coolest most awesome experiences of my life. The temple is pretty far from Trujui so we had to take 2 buses and a train each way to get there but let me tell you, so worth it. We took la familia Fernandez, our resent completed member family and therie kids, our ward mission leadr, and Sandra and her daughter ( Investigators who are gettin baptised this Saturday) So were rollin in there with a big group, 12 of us traveling for 2 and a half hours to get to the temple.... The temple here, seriosuly indescribable, like the most beautiful thing i have evr seen. like as sson as we saw it in sight on the bus i shed a little tear, like wev been planning this for so long and seriously iv ever since my call iv been waing to see it in person. So we get there and go through all together, an amaazing tour throughout the whole buidling, the font, the endowment room, the cealing room. It was amazing. LIke the renevations are absolutly incredible, its like the most beautiful place iv ever been, like no joke, so shook and classy but like modern too, with a tough of like the argentine culture, it was awesome. As we were about o finish we had the privilage of all going into the celestial room. We got to sit there for a couple minutes and just enjoy it, it was so legit. Seriously the Sprit was so strong throughout our whole trip but like in that room it was somethin else, like seriously indescribable. Sandra absolutely loved the whole thing and was so facinated with the idea of temples, it was awesome. The famila Fernandez tambiem fue muy interested and absolutely loved it. Their planning in a year to go in and all get sealed together too... seriously that whole experience was incredible, and so rewarding. LIke we all felt the sprit so string and it was way good for these people to be able to do this. Seriusly legit! were gonna have to come back to this temple as a familia seriously its amazing. We took lots of pictures too so ill be sendin out my memory card here pretty sson for all you guys.

Sandra: Shes like our main investigator right now and her and her daughter are seriously amazing. So prepared for us and so reseptive to like everything. They are awesome thoguh and like really see the importance of this in the long term scale. They have alot of dificulties and struggles in their life but seriously they both have so much faith and are so down to earth. Sandra is like 45 and seriolusly the most down to earth lady ever. So nice and seriously a miracle in every way..... They come to church every sunday and are gettin baptisd this saturday the 25th! its gonna be awesome, were way stokied for it nd she is way excited to be a member and to get comfirmed. Sooo if you guys happen to be in Buenos Aires ArGentina this saturday make your way on out to  the Trujui chapel at 6 30 ha ha Its gonna be legit, seriosuly i wish you guys could be here for this, like you have no idea how prepared nad awesome this lady is.

Other than gettin sick this wekend things are gonig really good. IM lovin it out here and workin hard as ever. MIssions are crazy, like how much you learn and howe much you go through but seriously its all part of the experience. Its beeen rain preety hard all the time but they say summer is comin sson so that should be a nice change, thats my only complaint, the rain ha ha. IM lovin it out here and just livin the dream, mkin you guys all proud out here.

I hope you guys know how much I love you and care about you. You guys are constantly on my mind andf always in my prayers. I talk about you guys all the time sand seriously some of the mebers and investigatiors like love you guys, and they dont even know you ha ha You guys are the best though, thats a fact.

HAve a good week, say your prayers, dint do anything dumb, but most important have fun.

Summer 2014!!!!!

Elder Bryce HAwkey

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