Elder Hawkey's Mailing Address

Packages and Letters:

Elder Bryce Hawkey
La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Ultimos Dias
C.C 92
1702 Ciudadela
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26, 2013

Family :) whats going on? how are you guys? How was the wedding? :) It sounds like you guys all had a good time out there
Things out here in Junin are going good. Crazy like always but were all Loving it out here, working hard and truly seeing miracles. Thats one thing that LIke i realy cant even put into words, like how much that I know, that miralces are real. I know tha to be true but i know that the Lord cant do miracles unless we give him literally everything we have, literally 100%. at 99.9% I know that so bad the Lord wants to but i know that he cant, only when we give it our evrything. Thats what keeps me going and focused that whan I do all i can the Lord will always bless us. At times we dont undersatnd, or its not what we expect or want, but he will always bless us with the Miracles that are best for us and ther est of his Children. I know that to be true and we were able to see it first hand out here this week... Evrything is doing good, as a district here in Junin we have planned for a baptismal servise for 6, literally the day of the baptism somehow things happened ( the oposition) where none of the 6 were doing to be baptized. The sisters were super upset and to be hinest so was I. Its 3 hours before the servise when we gert all the news. Me and my companion say a prayer and with faith left our lunch apointment running to find each and every one of these families. at this time I cant go into details about how bad the oposition was that day for thees familes, but I can tell you that i know that without a doubt in my mind that the priesthood is real and that mriacles do not sease to happen in the world today. As bad as thw world is, the Lord loves his children so very much that when we do all that we can he wil show us real life miracles... We did all we could do and at the end of the night we ended up having a baptismal servise for 3 which was honestly one of the happiest moments of my life. The spirit was so strong and to think about all that had happened that day and to see these peole so happy to take this step in their lives is something that cannot be put into words, truely pricless. Somrething that makes it all worth it, all the hard times, the walking for miles, rejections , oposition. Seriosuly one of the best baptismal services ever! For me that is whats its all about and thats why im here, to see miracles. I know that I am weak and I personally cannot do these things, but i KNow taht with the Lord all things are posible that he can and does work through his servants to get his work done, we have to be wililng to do what it takes thoguh. I cant wait for you guys to tell you more in depth but for now this is all I can tell you of the story, :) the mission thoguh is the greatest experiense ever thoguh,I can asure you of that :)
I invits us all to think about that and let the Lord work miracles in each and every one of our lives. Like we know though we have to do evreything, and thats the thing, the level and expertations the Lord undertsnds, hes doestnt ask much , just a little sacrafice. Daily prayers, readig daily ( if its only 5 minuts we have to read aily) and most importand going to sacrement meeting evey week. I know that If you guys do these things you will see a huge change in your lives and the way you feel about our Savior and yourselves :) I know the Lord will bless you in ways you cant imagine, Iv seen it so maby times out here. thats what it is.... So just do it ! :) Love you guys , your seriosuly the best ever :) KNow your in my thoguhts and prayers always :) Have an aweosme week.
2 Nephi 27:23
D&C 6: 16, 33-37... Enphasis on 36 :)
Livin the dream out here in Junin and hopin you guys are too!

Elder Hawkey

Monday, August 19, 2013

Bryce in Junin

Bryce with a recent convert

August 19, 2013

Family! Hows it? How are you guys doing out there? Loks like your serving it up out there so that makes me super happy, seriously thanks for all your stories you guys sent me. Glad you guys are folowing through with your comitments :) ha ha
What a week, a super good one but so much happened that it seriously felt like a lifetime out here, but im happy about that, gotta use every minute we have out here right?  Our hard work finally payed off this wek and we wer able to have a baptismal servise :) the first big servise out here for us in Junin and only the beging. this guy Ruben was able to get baptized and seriously this guy is amazing, super finny and super huge. Hes like obsesed with north America as well so it super funny, I cant wait for you guys to meet him. It has been a super crazy experiense with him , for a long time he has been super afraid of baptism and water so it took alot to help him overcome this fear. We worked with him so much though and literally went all out with him. This wek the ZOne leaders came to do the interview  and we go to his house, we know hes inseide but he told us he was super nervouse and scared so he didnt atend us. We were yeling and clapping his door but he just wouldnt open. I knew we couldnt leave or give up on him so I felt impresed to climb this guys barbed wired fense to slip a note under his door. ha ha O felt like Nefi , geting asked to do something crazy but We didnt even hesitate it was super funny. I get over succesfully thoguh, and  I slide the note under,  he comes out gives me a huge hug and the rest is history. Ruben, Such a stud! :) a super amazing experiense thoguh..... Were excited this weekend as well the Sosa Family :) will be gettiing baptized as well, a Mom and her 2 daughters that we have been working with for a long while, keep them in your prayers though for this weekend :)
We have been having some amazing experienses out here thoguh and I cant wait for you guys to meet some of these people out here, So sinsere and loving, it has been such a blesing to work with them. IM loving it out here thoguh and things are going realy well. Things in the branch are loking super good and we continue to grow in atenense and strength :) Our goal is to get a ward out here one day, we have the potential all it is now is the Faith and actions.
I feel good though, excited for the upcoming weeks. I have been praying for you guys thoguh and i realy hope all is wel. Know out on this end were doing awesome. My son is growing a ton as well and has progressed so much in our time together as well, Eler Manzano, cant wait for you guys to get to meet him as well. Ill keep it short today but ill be sendin photos right now as well.
Know how much I love you guys and Know how greastful I am for all you guys do for me :) the best family a guy could ask for. Know that I know this church is true, i know without a doubt that this is where i need to be and that this really is the work of the Lord. I know he lives, I know that every single ward (or branch ) building really is his house. We had an amazing experiense after church yesterday me and my companion closing up the church. I Know he Loves us so very much and wants to bless us with literally everything, all he asks is that we follow his teachings and what he tought. I know the church is true thoguh and im so very greatful for this Sacred time I have to serve him in Junin :)
Hvae an aweosme week.

Elder Hawkey

Monday, August 12, 2013

Pictures of Bryce

Pictures of Bryce and his companion as well as with his zone.

August 12, 2013

Family ! WHats going on? How are you guys?
I hope all is well and that you guys are livin it up out there in the states, from everything i hear you guys all sound way good and with the new baby in the family :) a misisonary couldnt ask for any better news, Elder Uncle Hawkey ha ha

Things out here are doing good, Wev been working hard like always and just livin the dream out here in Junin. We have been working good with the families and were excited for the upcoming weekends for baptisms :) Wev been diong alot of reactivating work thoguh and alot of stuff for the branch, im geting to experiense another side of the church which is cool, like admiinstration. Being counceler Im keepin super busy but have had a bunch of amazing and learning experienses out here. 

I was thinking about it this morning and I have seriosuly changed so much in the past year and a half, like for sure all for the better but like were so busy that we dont really see the progress in ourselves. I took a minmute thoguh today and go to thinking, ha ha I hope you guys can recognize me when i get back there :).... falta todavĂ­a  . IM have been growing so much thoguh, espesialy out here in Junin. Thanks one thing thats so great thgouh and somthing that really you cant understand without living it. It really is the best 2 years, to grow, to learn, to mature, to serve the Lord in his sacred work. The msiion will forever be ther best decision iv ever made and althoguh it is the hardest thing ever, I am loving evey minute :)

IM keepin it short this week but know I am lovin it out here and have tons of stuff to tell you, just somestuff you realy cant put into words. Ill try thgouh when i get home thoguh haha :) and pictures are coming out your way soson,l thats a promise :) i keep forgeting my camera , but next week without fault 

I want you guys to know that you really do keep me going out here, seriosuly you guys are thebest suport and really help me out. KNow your always in my thoguhts and prayers. I wnat you to know more than anything that I know this is the Work of the Lord and I know this is hwere i need to be in my life. Im so very greatful for this oportunity I have to serve and know that throgh serving others we find a hapiness that canot be put into words. I invite you guys to remeber that and always remember the importanse to serve our father in Heaven. Go out with the missonaries, give them Lunch, share with someone your testimony, help someone out with their groceries get to their car, magnify your caling, there are infinite ways to serve, tahts the goal for the week.... evereone does at least 1 act of servise this week, Wirte me a lil email with your experiense , I cant wait to hear them :) .. remeber too, its a goal, and literally the sky is the limit, nothing is holding each and evry one of us from doing something extrodimnary for someone else this wek :)

KNow I love you guys. Keep on keepin on and have an aweosm week, rember to your servise :)


Elder Hawkey- District leader, Traner, 1st counseler, and UNCLE!!!! 

Monday, August 5, 2013

August 5, 2013

Family :) how are you guys?

I am writing you guys today with totally humility and I hope I can express today how truely Greatful I am for the Lord and his such sacred work.

the situation out in here Junin was a chalanging one, when we came out here they had an atendanse og 19 our first sunday and an average of about 26..... This past weeknd all our hard work payed off and we had 57 in Sacrement meeting. I realy cant put into words what I am feeling but more thanm anything truely gretful. I had been strugling this past couple weeks, like we all know when something big is about to happen there is always oposition and alot of it and me and my comapino have experiensed literally everything you can think of. This past week we went over the transfer and planned for the new one at hand, I knew we had to continue on with animo (excitment) energy and I knew more than anything we had to work with faith and dilegense. So Like i said last week, we set our goals and are determined to reach them. This week We truely did see miracles, we worked so hard this week, like I never have in my life and I huimbly testify to you that with the Lord all things are posible. We were able to see 13 investigators along with 5 of their kids coe to churchto what was literally the most spiritual meeing of my life. President Carter was out here for the weekend and it was the best sacrement iv ever been to in my life and like i said it was jamed packed. We have been meeting with and trying to reacivate a ton of inactives and all the work payed off with them comnig to church.... I really cant put things into words how happy or full of joy I really am. But i want to tell you gus that I know, without a doubt in my mind that miracles are real and that when we give everythign we have, not 99% but the full 100% literally anything is posible with the help of our father in heaven.

Alma 26: 12) Yea I know that I am nothing,, as to my strength I am weak therfore I will not boast of myself but I will boast ofmy God, for in his strength I can do all things, behold many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land for which we will praise his name forever.
27)Now when our heartes were depressed and we were about to turn back , behold the Lord did Comfort us , and said, Go amongst thy bretheren the lamanites (Juninites) and bear with thinw afliction and I wil give you success.

I humbly testif that I know that if we really do set our minds and hearts to a good cause and give it everythign we have our Lord is able to work with us to acomplish all things. We cant do it ourselves, we have to trust in him and do literally everything it takes, being completely selflless, just as was His Son Jesus Christ. Even he asked during his agoning atonment for each one of us Father is there not another way?¨I can only imnagine how Hard it was for him literally bleeding form evbery pore but then he followed the statement by saying. "not my will but rather thy will be don" Wow what an example, the greatest example of all time showing upermost himuility to do the will of the Father. In no way can we ever comapre anything we could ever do to the Atoning sacrafice of Chrsut but that is realy how we all ( including me) need to be, Thinking not of ourselves, but of others and whet our Father in Heven needs us to do, and then we just have to be wililng to do it.

I know this to be true thugh and I know that with this kind of vision, as was our Savior, all things are posible. I know that this is the Lords work, I know with all my heart that he answers prayers and that when we give it our all, he can and will work miracles through you. I know that This church ius true and I KNow this is where I need to be in my life. Right here in Junin: Were excited thgouh because this is only the beging, :) these 5 families taht came to church this past weekend all have lpanss tro enter the waters of baptism in the month of August. :) I really can tell you that I am living the dream out here and this is going to be the best month of my life... tahts anotrher thing too, the only thing stoping each and everyone of us, form having the best day, week or month, is ourselves :) be positive and Just do it :)

I am so greatful for you guys and all you do for me, you guys are such a support and I pray for youguys every day. More than anything I am greatful to be part of such a great work. To be able to represent Our Savior Jesus Christ, to do as he did, and maybe just maybe after all that we can or suffer can repay him for but the samllest part of what HE did for each and every one of us in his atonment. I love this work and I know that the Misison is the most important thing anyone could evr do in their lives.

HAve an awesome week,


Elder Hawkey