Elder Hawkey's Mailing Address

Packages and Letters:

Elder Bryce Hawkey
La Iglesia de Jesucristo de Los Santos de Los Ultimos Dias
C.C 92
1702 Ciudadela
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Sunday, April 29, 2012

April 26, 2012

Hola Familia!
Whats going on? how are things out in Yuma? how is everyone? Again thank you everyone for all the emails, pacages, letters, everything! They seriously mean nthe world to me. It is so good to have the support of mmy family and friends like it helps so much and really keeps me going. Keep em comin familia! :)
Things here are going really well. Just gota keep pushin through it. LIke Wev only been here 3 weeks and i already feel so experienced. LIke i remember the first week being so scared and not knowing what to do but now i feel like a veteran. We got a new group of missionaries in our zone last night so for once were not the new kids. It feels way good. The days go by slow here but the weeks go by way fast. LIke it seriously feels like it was just last p day. 6 more weeks to go in here, man i cant wait to get to Argentina. LIke randomly a bunch of my mission friends have been writing me and stuff and tellinlg me about their experiences. Everyone keeps telling me how amazing the field is and how fun it is. Seriously I cant wait!
Spanish is coming along really well. LIke for the first time I finally feel like were getting it anf that we really can learn this language. The past few weeks iv had my doubts but I know that we can do this. I know we will do this. everyday in class we learn so much and they move so fast. Its crazy cause like ill think I didnt get a concept or somehting down and then like ill find myself randomly usiong those phrases or words, its really cool. The gift of tounges is so real. LIke there is no way we could learn this language without it, I am so greatful for the opportunity I have eto learn this language so that we can spread the gospel to hs children
My hand: The surgery this past MOnday went really well. I got to leave the MTC for a while which was fun and I got to see my sister too which was even better. It went good though, the doctor got it all out stitched it up and im good to go. I have a cast on which is kinda lmae but I get it off in about a week. LIke the site of the surgery hurt but that is just part of the heeling process. The paihn from the cyst before is totally gone :) thank you for all of your prayers.
The MTC is such an amazing place. A place where you learn and grow so much in such a short period of time. Its craz. LIke looking back 3 weeks all of us have changed so much. Like were getting the hang of this thing and understand the importance of the things we do that before we might have complained about. LIke I find myself in a whole new minset. I weant to learn the language and the gospel so much . We look forward to the classes and the opportunities we have to learn from such amazing teachers. The teachers here are such amazing guys that we can really relate to and learn from. I seriously inspire to be like the teachers we have in here one day.
All is well here though, the new p day is thursday for the rest of our stay here :) The field finally opened so wev been havin fun with that too. We have been going hard on soccer. :) gotta get ready for all thiose kids down in Argentina, the dont mess around with that down there.
Thank you everyone for your Love and support. I miss you all so much but find comfort in that I know this is where I am aupposed to be. I am so greatful for my experiences here ain the MTC and look forward to learning and growing even more. I pray for you all every night and I know that you are bneing watched over :) Love you all.
UNtill next week,
Elder Hawkey

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


April 20, 2012

Hola Familia!
How are you guys? how are things out in the real world? I would like to start by thanking everyone for all the pacages letters and support. Seriously getting mail in this place just makes your day and for me it really keeps me goin. THank you everyone for all the goodies and treats. The letters i have gotten here have really touched me and its good to know i have the support of my family and friends back home.
So its just been another week in the most spiritual place on earth. Its a good thing though, LIke I thought it was going to be like church all the time but its really not. I love it here though.SO this week we have been hiten the books hard, taking our spanish to the next level. This place is crazy. Seriously I have learned so much its absolutely incredible. The gift of tounges is real, no way without it and the spirit could I have been able to learn this much in such a short period of time. It has only been 2 and a half weeks in here but it seems to almost be like a time warp. HA ha like sometimesa were like it seems like wev been in here forever but then other times it seems like wev been in this place for like a day. Its weird. LIke i cant even explain how amazing it is. Its just one of those things you have to experience i guess. We have a group of about 4 teachers that are seriously the coolest guys ever. THEre so good at teachiong at so good at spanish, seriously I inspire to be those guys.
LAst sunday we had an absolutly incredible devotional. LIke it was up there on the best sundays i have ever had. We roll into this thang like 15 before thinking wed be fine but we get in there and its packed, were about to leave when the usher says there was 4 seets in the frint. We walk up there and were like three rows from the pulpit, it was so tight. We had no idea who was speaking or what we were in store for. As the president of the mtc opened he anounced that M Rusell BAllard and his wife were going to be talking to us. Brither brown the MtC president startyed off with a really good talk about the importance of missionary work and how it important for us to give it our all for this will truwely be the best 2 years. After his talk the had a specail musical number by guess who?....... Yup, David Archeleta. It was imncredible. Serilously that litle kid is incredible, hes got amazing pipes. He sung the spirit of god and absolutly killed it. LIke kids were literally crying in there it was awesome. Since hes learning spanish he did the 2nd verse in spansih, aww itnwas sweet!. LIke just that right there seemed to be so much. After this amazing performance we were able to hear from M russell BAllard. He gave such an amazing talk. That right there is seriously a man of God. He talked about missions and how what we are doing out here is setrting up the foundation for the rest of our lives. What we are doing out here is important but this is ponly the first step. We will lwearn from our missions so much and we will become better men and grow s. THe experiences we have here shape us to the man we willl be, and its so true. LIke this missiona has already alowed me to grow so much > I know the experiences I have had and are going to have not only in Argentina but in the MTC are going to make me a better . A better father. A better son. A better husband A better brother, just an all around better man.... His talk was so insperational and really taken to heart. The spirit in the room was so strong and it was really emotional too. We finished the devotional by singing called to serve!... Seriously one of the best sdundays ever.... Definetly the best here so far!
THings here are going good though, Im holdin in there and I think ill be alright. I m**s you guys all so much but know this is where I am supposed to be. From the second I walked in this place I just knew without a doubt that this is where I am supposed tpo be right. I look forward to learning more and growing even more. I cant wait to serve the PEople of Argentina !
Thank you again for all of your support,
I LOve you all so much
If you have time go onto lds.org and go to the mormon message portion. Watch " Your day for a mission"
All is well and i hope and pray all is well with you guys.
Elder Hawkey

Saturday, April 14, 2012

April 13, 2012

Bryce will be having surgery on his hand next week. He is in a lot of pain right now, and having a hard time typing and writing. Because of that, he apologizes for the misspellings and typos. 

Hola Familia!
How is everyone? how are things in the real world? ha ha. I hope you guys know that i miss you all alot and pray for you guys every day. Its funny though like i went into the MTC being so worried about so many different things, being here has mellowed me out and calmed me down. LIke i care and miss you  guys so much but like i dont worry about you. I have faith in our Savior and i know that EVERYTHING is going to be just fine. Its been truely amazing to be able to feel so comfoted in here even though im so far from you all.
The MTC: Heaven on earth. Honestly there is no other real way to describe it than that. This place is incredible. The spirit is so string here and everyone is so freiendly. LIterally no other place in the world will you find this many 19 year old boys acting so mature and so dilegently. Thats one thing I love here, that everyone genuinly wants to be here. LIke in college you had those kids that  were just there but here its different. Everyone wants to be here. LIke everyone understands that we are missionaries and acts and does acordingly...OUr spanish is coming along muy bien! like its insane. We hjave this progressive investigator that we teach each day named Jporge. THe first day we were so nervouse and could hardly get gthrouhg a lessdon. As the days progress it gets easier and easier. LIke we go in there with literally a basic outline and end up talking to him in spanish for like an hour and a half. Its unreal. LIke the spirit when we teach is incredible. I find me and my companion saying things in there that we have barly been over and like carying full on coversations with him, its unreal. The gift of tounges is real !....So its p day today and wev finally gotten through a whole week. We are supposed to go to the temple tonight but i cant cause of my doctors appointment in a bit. The food here is awesome. Way better than Hawaii. LIke it really is all you can eat, its good stuff. GYm here is awesiome too, it gets way intense! Wev all been playing volleyba;ll and were actually gettin pretty good. I might be able to take my Girl when i get home, who knows ;) THe classes are going good both language and church. We have three teachers that are amazing at Spanish and they are such good guys, I inspire to be like them one day. I think it would be really cool to come back here and teach! thatd be sweet. The one complaint I have about this place is the showers , they are horrivble. They go from like the core of the earth bioiling hot water to like ant artic frozen glacier water, its crazy. BUt i guess if thats the worst thjing here well be just fine. ME and my companion aree getting along well, hes an amazing guy and seriosly one of my best friends. LIke our whole district is so close and we havnt even known eachother 2 weeks. LIke its loco. Our district president Elder call is incredible and seriouly someone I strive to be. We take alot of pictures but it takes a week and a half tio print pictures here. I will send some soon thouigh :)) Promise
My hand: so they day i get here my hand starts hurtin, Progressivly it getts worse and worse so I go to the doctior. We got to leave campus to get x rays so it was pretty cool. The doctor here says i either broke my hand otr i have a sist, either one i dont look forward tio hearing though. It hurts but i manage. I have an appointment with a hand doctor in like an hour so well figure out whats wrong and gett my fixed up. No nworries though :) Im going to be just fine!! I priomise
Easter: TAlk about a good first sunday here. It was incredinble. We had a special Devotional just for the misssionaries, we knew someone big was cpomin but we had no idea. It was Boyd K. PAcker. It was incredible. That right there is a man od God. LIke he brings the spirit so string by just being in the room. HE gave an amazing talk about our missions and how important they are in not only our lives but in the big plan of things. LIke we atre literally bringing up the kingdom of God. that right there just gives me goosebumps because it is so true. HE talked about how our missions will not be easy but how they will bless us and our families eternally and that it will be something that we never regret. The main thing that got me was how he taklked sabout how fear is the opposite of faith. In here I try to be as close as I can to our savior through my faith in him and his plan. LIke thsat hits me so deep because its the truth. I have no fear for all I want is my heart to be filled with faith. I know our Savior lives and I know there is nothing else I could be doing right now that could be so rewarding. I know the Booko of MOrmon is true and I know that the spirit is real. I know You guys will all be just fine.
Thank you everyine for all the emails and letter and pacages. THey really mean alot. Keep those dear elder letter comin , they seriously make my day and keep me goin. I LOve and miss you all very much. Never fotrget it. Dont worry about me though for I am doinhg what is right, Im sure of it. This is where I am supposed to be. Pray often and keep on takin it easy. This thang will be over before you know it so enjoy the time to yourselves. Hope all is  weIll. see you guys soon :)
Elder HAwkey

Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 7, 2012

Hola from the MTC!!
Today is our first preperation day, usually our p days will be on Fridays but this week the schedule is a little different.
Where to start..... My experiene here has been absolutely incredible. Wev only been in here for three days and it alrerady feels likwe are getting to know the ropes. The first day we were so lost but with each day we are all becoming more familiar wityh the campus and schedule and understand what we need to be doing. Our district is so awesome. We have 8 guys in there, 6 are going to Buenos Aires with me and the other 2 are going to JAcksonville Florida. Mi companeros nombre er elder Patterson. HE is suych a cool guy. A giant both literallly and spiritually. HEs like 6 4 300 buut has such am amazing spirit and attitude. Our zone is awesome, we all work together really well and its crazy how close we have all gotten in such a short period of time.
Spanish is coming along well and we have aleready learned so much. The teachers dont speal english here its crazy. I can honmestly say iv learned more here in three days then in the whole two years in high school The study is hard but like I have such a drive and desire to want to learn it , its crazy. LIke seeing the older missionaries and the 9 weekers in my zone just makes me want to work that much harder so I can be like that and be ready for Argentina when the day comes. I can already say prayer is apanish and we are working on learning how to testify and bare our testimony.
Yesterday we had to give ourt first discussion ha ha we were so nervouse and scared. It went really well though! like we had a script of what we wanted to say but like we totally were able to feel out the conversation and go off what he was saying TO US. liKE IT LITERALLY BLEW MY MIND. At one point my compannion was like just carring out a full on conversation. It was so cool.
THe spirit here is so strong, it is increrdible. LIke eevry time we have meeting or work shops you can fell the spirit so stronng. We have amazing teachers whio are awesome at their job. It sometimes gets emotional because we are all so new to this. like feeling the spirit so much. LIke it makes me feel so happy and good inside.  LIke i thought it woul;d be so hard being here but it is the exact opposite. I know this is where i am supposed to be, not one doubt in my mind. I know the spirit is real and true and I know that this mission will change me more and i look forward to it with open arms. I look forward to growing as a man both spiritually and mentally, i already have so much but i know I will continue to progree more.
I love you familia and miss you all but am comforted to know that I am doing what is right. I wish i could be there top help out but this is where i am suppopst to be. LIke I am finally home, the closest to the savior i have ever been and seriously i fell like i am in heaven, this place is amazing and that is seriously the onl;y way i can describe it. Heaven on earth. I know all will be well with yoiu guys, every one of you without a doubt will be fine while im gone, this comforts me.
I feel so humbled to be a missiionary of the lord, a tool in his hands to help and save his children.
Going on a mission= best decision of my LIfe.
oh ya it snowed ha ha , it was crazy we were all muy frio, but it was awesome. Hope all is well. Keep the letters and pacages up.
Love you all.
Elder Hawkey
Please forward to rest of familia